Thursday, February 2, 2012

An observation

"Wars and rumors of war," and "peace, peace when there is no peace," are commonly used biblical phrases these days, especially as we seem to be drawing closer to times of increasing tribulations.

As far as Israel and its national security are concerned, the nation of Iran poses the greatest danger. The Iranian military advancements make the Israeli news daily. This week the Iranians unveiled a version of the cruse missile that can carry, with greater accuracy, its nuclear pay-load to distant locations. As most of the world knows, the Iranian nuclear plant (largest in the world) is now in full operation, and it is predicted that within a year they will have a bomb in spite of the Russian guarantees which the West has swallowed "hook, line and sinker."

The Iranian president is very vocal about his intents to destroy the "little satan" of the Middle East. He has also stood up and defied the leaders of the world in a way similar to the prophet Habakkuk's description, "They all [or he, Ahamedinijad] come for violence; their [his] faces are set like the east wind… They [he] scoff at kings, and princes are scorned by them [him]…" (Habakkuk 1:9-10). Notice the face that is set like the east wind. Which way does the east wind blow other than west? Is this why Iran was at war with Iraq, its westerly neighbor, for some 10 years in the 1980's? Outwardly they were fighting over oil-rich lands, but what was the real reason? The United States and its allies have done Iran a great favor when they did away with the military leadership and power of Iraq. Now that the U.S. has removed its "strike forces" out of that country, it leaves Iraq at the mercy of its former enemy and the rest of the American support troops vulnerable to the Iranian Shiite forces that are already in Iraq. Syria, Lebanon, and Hamas are all controlled by Iran, and the only country that stands in their way of smothering Israel is Iraq. Iran now has a golden opportunity to set up a puppet government in their neighboring country, just like they did in Lebanon ('Le-banana'), using America's democratization of Iraq as the means with which to do so. "A bitter and hasty nation which marches through the breadth of the earth, to possess dwelling places that are not theirs. They are terrible and dreadful; their judgment and their dignity proceed from themselves" (Habakkuk 1:6-7).

Some predicted an Israel-Lebanon war to erupt in the wake of the border incident which resulted in the killing of an Israeli officer a few weeks ago, but failed to notice how quickly Syria and the Saudis stepped in. The U.S rewarded the Saudis with a fleet of new F' 15's for their support. At the same time Turkey put down some Kurdish rebels who are fighting for their independence. These Kurds are members of an ethnic group which has a presence also in Iraq. The world refuses to acknowledge the Kurds as a legitimate nation, while the so-called Palestinians are everyone's favorite underdog that must be pacified and coddled.

No doubt we are living in some very precarious times. But we must remember Who is in charge of fulfilling His word amongst the nations.
"Why do the nations rage, and the people plot a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against YHVH and against His anointed [the whole house of Israel], saying, 'Let us break their bonds in pieces and cast away their cords from us.' He who sits in the heavens shall laugh; YHVH shall hold them in derision" (Psalm 2:1-4). The Almighty will act, but not without using a people that He has called out (Firstborn nation Israel) in this generation to carry out His will. If you believe yourself to be a "Gentile" grafted into the Olive Tree of Israel, then according to Paul you are no longer to look at yourself that way. You are now an Israelite who belongs to the commonwealth of Israel's kingdom, under the reign of its Messiah. If you do not know what it means to be an Israelite, a firstborn, I would encourage you to drop us a line with your home mailing address. Likewise, you may be Jewish or an Ephraimite, but are not clear as to what it means to be an Israelite grafted back into YHVH's kingdom, or have an understanding regarding the importance of this role. Additionally, the book may hold information that you might need in order to understand your corporate role in the coming days, especially as Scripture predicts an inevitable war with the surrounding nations (see Joel chapter 3).

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