Thursday, February 8, 2007


September 25, 1998

“Clap your hands, all “Am-Israel; shout to Elohim with the voice of joy;
For YHVH Most High is to be feared – stood in AWE of.
A great King over all the earth.
He subdues peoples under us, and nations under our feet.
He chooses our inheritance for us,
Elohim has ascended with a shout,
YHVH, with the sound of a Shofar. בתרועה יהוה בקול שופר
Sing praises to our Elohim sing praises; sing praises to our King, sing praises;
For Elohim is the King of all the earth; sing praise with a skillful psalm.
Elohim reigns over the nations, Elohim has taken his seat.
The princes of the people
(that’s you folks) have assembled (gathered, נאספו - same root as Joseph), as the people of the Elohim of Avraham.
For the shields of the earth belong to Elohim;
He is highly exalted”
(Psa. 47).

The Day of the Blowing
There is much confusion around the feast of the “blowing” or “sounding”(תרועה) . Please note that it does not specify what is being sounded,
whether it is the blowing of trumpets (חצוצרה) , or the blowing
of the Shofar (שןפר) . Actually both were blown.

This feast day falls on the first day of the seventh month, a day which is called “the head of the month.” Therefore, there is also another ordinance which governs it. The two ordinances are found in Numbers 10:10 in Psalms 81:1-5. In the Psalm it says to blow the shofar at the new moon (first day of the month), “it is a statute for Israel, an ordinance of the God of Jacob, that He established for a testimony in Joseph.” However, in Numbers it says “to blow the trumpets on the first day of each month as a reminder to you of your God. I am YHVH your God.” It was to be a day of great singing with loud noise. This is why both were blown, as it was a celebration. If we would do this with the true purpose of reminding ourselves of who our God is, and what He has accomplished, we probably could eliminate thousands of sermons trying to do the same thing. That kind of worship wouldn’t need sermons, as the people themselves would become the word alive to all who hear the joyful sound. May we restore to Messianic Israel the true significance of our God’s times and feasts.


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