Friday, May 6, 2011


At this point in history (1999)the whole world’s attention is drawn to the end of the Millennium, according to the calendar developed by Julius Cesar in 45 BC, honoring the sun god, Apollo, or Helios. Fifteen hundred years later Pope Gregory VIII revised this calendar for his religious purposes. These undertakings were used to help bring unity to the realms overseen by these two individuals; a king (Roman Cesar) and a priest (Roman Pope), hailing out of Nimrod’s kingdom, changed the times and the seasons, as foretold by the prophets of old. However, this was not the first time that such changes had taken place. The Jews, during their stay in Babylon (6th century BC), failed to protect the sanctity of time and altered the Hebrew months, adopting the names of Babylonian gods, using the patterns of the Chaldean zodiac. But looking even further back in history; the first culprit to purposely set out to change the times and seasons, was an Ephraimite king called Jeroboam (10th century BC). Later on the scattered seed of Israel’s northern kingdom spread the sin of Jeroboam into all the nations where they had gone (Jer. 3:13). That testimony can be seen as the nations of this earth celebrate the end of a year, a century and a millennium, according to their non-biblical calendar. Unfortunately, these changes have been incorporated into, and are purported to center around, the birth of the “Messiah”. But was He really born at that time, and was his birth intended to change the biblical calendar?

In today’s world, with the rise of a restored ancient Greek political system called democracy, along with the efforts to reconcile the main monotheistic religions, man has devised a method of uniting the world around a single theme, “humanism”. Humanism brings together a type of a kingly and priestly order within one’s own being. It could very well be that in the near future a temple will be built in Jerusalem, where the man of lawlessness will sit and rule over an anti-Christ system. But what we must also consider, since God calls man a temple, is that the man of lawlessness may be the person living inside his own body (or temple); man being lord of his own destiny, worshiping through pride the works of his hands, doing what is right in his own eyes, and deciding what is holy and profane. Humanism in its political and religious form is a direct counterfeit of God’s kingdom in the earth. The Greeks established democracy in order to give the individual freedom, which would enable him to express the lusts of his own heart. The same is true today; the nations that have adopted this form of government have the highest rate of abortion, euthanasia, homosexuality, etc. They look for every opportunity to satisfy their lusts; setting times and seasons (feast days, birthdays), to indulge in food and drink resulting in gluttony, drunkenness and sexual promiscuity.

This freedom is symbolized by a statue, which stands in the harbor of New York City, called the Statue of Liberty. To those who are familiar with ancient Greek history, this modern day pictogram is very familiar. Around 290 BC, another such icon was erected, called the Colossus of Rhodes. Approximately three hundred tons of copper and iron were used to construct this “wonder of the ancient world.” It was built as a tribute to their savior “Helios”, who protected the islanders from being captured by an invading army. The sun god Helios, was an Egyptian god who according to legend took up residence on the island; later Helios became known as Apollo.

In a recent newspaper article, journalist John Rigos reports that the municipality of the city of Rhodes, aided by the European Union, is planning to rebuild this monument as a symbol of growing European unification and international peace and cooperation. In order to implement this theme of “new world in a new millennium”, as it was coined, the monument may be made out of melted-down coins from “all the members of the European Union and from prospective candidates abandoning their individual currencies in favor of one euro”.

Not surprisingly, the Europeans have also altered the arrangement of the weekly calendar, with “Sun-day” appearing as the last day, or seventh day of the week. The sun gods of the ancient empires were believed to give light and life. The Messiah came to do the same thing, thus it was not difficult to blend the two concepts. The purpose of the Gospel was also to bring peace, harmony and unity to humanity living in a world of wars, conflicts and strife between governments and religious factions. Political and spiritual leaders were always looking for the right combinations of governmental and religious ideals to advance their control and power over the populace. Constantine, in the 4th century, was one such leader who combined the “nativity of the Greek sun god”, with an alleged birth date of the Messiah. This was an intentional ploy on Satan’s part to deceive humanity and to lead it further away from the truth of God’s divine times and seasons. Thus, the celebration of the ancient festival of the sun god on the 25th of December was in reality honoring a more ancient Egyptian god, who during the Constantinian era was worshiped by thousands of followers of Mithraism.

The Torah gives us divine instructions on how to observe the calendar of YHWH. The enemies of Torah know the importance of a calendar as a tool, which keeps order in society. Without a calendar, humanity would be in a state of chaos. The current potential computer problem, termed Y2K, is a case in point. However, whether this situation will result in world pandemonium is yet to be seen. There are a few organizations and leaders who are saying that the new world order must be birthed out of chaos. However, although we may not see these changes overnight, they will definitely occur in the near future.

We, as God’s redeemed, have been exhorted to seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, being holy (separate) as He is holy. “Since we have been set apart to be the witness of His kingdom of righteousness peace and joy, what kind of people ought we to be in holy conduct and godliness? (2 Pet. 3:11). To be in the world but not of it, certainly would mean that we do not participate in pagan practices, nor mix them into the Torah that is being written on our hearts. The times and the season are in YHWH’s hands. “So let us be sober, knowing the time that it is already the hour for us to awaken from sleep; for now our salvation is nearer to us than when we believed. The night is almost gone, and the day is at hand. Let us therefore lay aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light. Let us walk properly as in the day, not in carousing and drunkenness, not in sexual promiscuity and sensuality, not in strife and jealousy. But put on Messiah Yeshua, and make no provision for the flesh in regards to its lusts” (Rom 13:11-14).

Come out of her my people, and be ye separate, and do not partake of her harlotries! (Isa. 52:11).

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