Thursday, May 2, 2013

Order in Redemption II

In last week's letter we began to take a look at the laws of redemption.  Redemption is a very important aspect of the restoration, because without it restoration would not be possible.

The scroll in YHVH's hand (Rev.5:1) is a legal document, which was already written before the foundations of the world. It is a document specifying the requirements incumbent upon a redeemer. Only by viewing Yeshua’s life story can we find out what was written on the side that specified the redeemer’s qualifications. In order for Yeshua to take that scroll and open it, He had to fulfill all the requirements inscribed on the scroll.  Thus, He had to be a firstborn and a prince in the family. He had to be obedient to the will of His Father in all matters pertaining to life and godliness.  He also had to be His brothers’ keeper and be willing to give up His life for them.  Because the laws of redemption required a blood sacrifice in accordance with the Almighty’s righteousness, the Redeemer had to be perfect, undefiled and unspotted by sin.

Yeshua faced these legal requirements head on. He knew that He was a lamb for the sacrifice who was to be without spot or blemish, and that He had to be obedient in all things pertaining to His Father's will in order to qualify to be that sacrifice. In Revelation chapter five we see John falling on his knees and weeping bitterly, because in that moment he understood what was required for the redemption of the inheritance.  Even King David wrote: "None can by any means redeem a brother, nor give to YHVH a ransom for him, for the redemption of their souls is costly" (Ps. 49:7-8). How costly? Look at the scroll: the shedding of the blood (life) of a firstborn son (the shedding of blood meant not just a few drops trickling down the face, it was the complete draining or separating of the blood from the body). However, it was not just the blood that YHVH was looking at, but also the nature of the life in the blood that was either acceptable or not. In other words, it had to be a sacrifice that was not defiled by sin. Yeshua, therefore, met and fulfilled every requirement of the Supreme Law, both in heart and deed.

Yeshua was not ignorant of the Law; He knew what was written there. That scroll was not called the "Lamb's scroll" (or "Book of Life") for nothing!  And since our names are inscribed on that scroll, we also need to know what is written in that legal document.  Those requirements are written there for us as well, but if we do not know or understand the reason for these instructions we may find ourselves falling short of the calling that is upon our lives because of ignorance.  We are His inheritance, bought with a price for a purpose.

"Then I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice: 'Who is worthy to open the scroll and to loose its seals?' And no one in heaven or on the earth or under the earth was able to open the scroll, or to look at it.  So I wept much, because no one was found worthy to open and read the scroll, or to look at it” (Rev.5:2-5).

The strong angel was looking for someone qualified to open, look at and read what was written on the scroll.  It seems almost inconceivable that no one in heaven, or on earth, or under the earth could be found.  John was so shattered over this, that he fell on his face and wept. But then one of the elders comforted him and told him not to weep, because the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has succeeded in fulfilling all the requirements written on the scroll. Yes, Yeshua was the one now able to loose the seals and to disclose the text written on the other side. What was it that was written there? What are the property rights?

Before getting into this, let us take another moment to listen to, and view the courtroom scene in heaven. The Father YHVH is sitting on the judgment seat with a scroll in His right hand; there are angels, four living creatures, twenty- four elders and a myriad of other angels all around.  However, those are not the only ones present in this courtroom. Suddenly a proclamation about a Lion from the Tribe of Judah is made. But lo and behold, instead of a lion we see a lamb, with seven horns and seven eyes, which looks as though it had been slain! What a grotesque animal! Is there some confusion here? No! As we watch this slain, sacrificial lamb go up to the Father and take the scroll out of His right hand, all those around the throne fall down and begin to SING A NEW SONG: "You are worthy, you have succeeded, you have prevailed, you did it, you overcame, you qualified [according to all that was written on that legal document]! You have redeemed us and saved us from the wrathful judgments of YHVH. But not only that, you are also making all those who are written on that scroll into a royal priesthood and a holy nation."

Who are those twenty-four elders sitting on thrones and dressed in white garments with crowns on their heads?  Why were they not qualified to take the scroll and open the seals? Were they not of import and stature? Even though they were out of the firstborn in the human family, they too were in need of redemption and saw themselves as part of the company of the redeemed of the Lamb. Something great had just taken place; so awesome that they fell down and cast their crowns before the throne of YHVH and sang a new song!  But who else was to be redeemed by this lamb?   Who was the "us" from every tribe, tongue, people and nation that legally belonged to YHVH’s inheritance? Who are they and where did they come from?

Remember that there were two sides to the scroll. On the one side were specified the qualifications of the redeemer, and on the other side was the description of the inheritance. Whose inheritance? The scroll was in the Father’s hand. Thus it must have been the Father's inheritance, which was made up of those who were to be redeemed. Therefore it was their names, which were written on the scroll (even before the foundation of the world). These are the ones who are to become kings and priests unto our Elohim, and they shall reign on the earth.  Yes, it is hard to believe that the redeemed were foreordained and predestined according to the will of the Father and inscribed on this scroll before the foundation of the earth. We all have this document in our library. It is called the Holy ("set apart") Scriptures. However, it is sealed with seven (spiritual) seals, so as to make it not entirely comprehensible. Not only are there seals, but there are also veils over our minds, which block our understanding. Only Yeshua can open the seals and lift the veils, just as He did to the two men on the road to Emmaus, or to the Ethiopian eunuch. Therefore, as long as we see through a glass darkly we need to pray: "Open my eyes, that I may see wondrous things from Your [legal document the…] (Psa.119:18).

Whose names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life from before the foundation of the earth? Do the Scriptures give us any indication as to who they might be?


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